Creativity flourish as soon as you begin to stitch

Have you ever felt the itch to create, but ended up frustrated doing nothing because you simply didn't know where to start?

Or worse... you wasted time trying to figure out what to do instead of using the time to satisfy the urge and simply feel better.

Truth is... There are few as creatively stimulating things as already being in motion creating something

This is why we created the Monthly Pattern Program so that you are guaranteed new inspiring embroidery patterns on a monthly basis.

Thanks to the continuous flow of fun projects, you avoid the creative block of not knowing what to make next

On the 1st of each month you find the new pattern under the curriculum section ready to be downloaded!

If you ever miss to download a pattern we are always here to assist you so that you get it asap.

The patterns are designed to give you a joyful and relaxing armchair travelling experience

Here are some more examples of previous patterns...
Watch the sun set behind the Eiffel Tower in Paris


Take the charming tram in Lisbon


Ride your bicycle in Amsterdam

The Netherlands

To embroider on a regular basis boosts your skills and confidence in your art.

It wasn't until we began to stitch on a regular basis that we started to excel in both our art and creative fulfilment.

Your March Pattern:

This month you get to embroider "Café in Munich" by Elin Petronella

Get your first pattern today!

Did you know that only 20 minutes of creating with your hands significantly reduces stress and anxiety?

There aren't just creative benefits to stitching - also great effects for your health

Beginner Friendly

All patterns comes with a stitch and colour guide plus a general technique guide that shows you in more depth the respective techniques. Furthermore we are always here if you ever need more detailed support.

Priority support

As a member of the program you can always reach out to us with any question about your process and we will get back to you asap.

Unlimited time

Stay with us for as few or many months as fits your stitch availability. You can also take a break and come back again when you're ready for new fresh inspiration.